• Alwar Gate, Ajmer, Rajasthan
Call us 0145 - 2661140, 2971140
Phone : 0145 - 2661140, 2971140 Mail : saintpaulsajmer@gmail.com

Admission & Withdrawal


Procedure & Withdrawal

1. Though this School is a Minority Institution, admissions are open to candidates irrespective of caste, creed, race or religion by screening of Registration Forms for classes L.K.G. and by Admission Test for classes H.K.G. and above.

2. Age for Class L.K.G. is 3½ to 4½ years and correspondingly for higher classes. (as on 1st April of the year in which admission is sought).

3. Date and time of Entrance Test for admission to classes I and above will be intimated to the parents at the time of submission of the Registration Form. Generally the test will be conducted in the month(s) of April / June.

4. Entrance Test will be on essential subjects like English, Hindi, Science and Mathematics for all classes. Only the students who qualify at the Entrance Test will be admitted. Duration of the entrance test will be maximum two hours.

5. List of successful candidates will be displayed on the school Notice Board. The parent / guardian should fill in the Admission Form and deposit the fee before the stipulated date, failing which his/her admission will automatically be cancelled.

6. Pupils are generally admitted at the beginning of each academic year. When admitted, a pupil is required to pay the admission fee, the Annual Fee, his/her first installment of school fees and all other fees if any.

7. Only those students, who in the opinion of the Principal, are able to follow lessons in English will be granted admission. (Classes I and above).

8. Application for registration should be made on the prescribed form attached with the Prospectus enclosing the following documents.
(i) (a) Birth Registration Certificate from the Municipal Council or concerned Hospital for classes L.K.G. to I.
     (b) Certificate of Date of birth (in original) from the previous school for classes II and above.
(ii) True copy of the latest Progress Report.
(iii) Certificates of Extra – curricular activities.
(iv) One Passport Size photograph of the student has to be fixed in due space on the registration form.
(v) A Family Photo with the child is also to be attached.

9. Admissions will be confirmed only after submission of Transfer Certificate duly countersigned by the concerned DEO / Regional Officer (R.O.), CBSE (for classes II and above).

10. For admission to class X, the copy of Registration Certificate of class IX is required.

11. Admission to classes XI & XII will require the following documents :
(i) Attested copy of Sec. School Exam. Mark sheet from the Board.
(ii) Original Transfer Certificate countersigned by Dist. Education Officer or R.O. C.B.S.E.
(iii) XI class mark sheet (for admission to class XII)
(iv) Attested copy of Secondary School (Board) Pass Certificate.
(v) Migration Certificate (original) for school affiliated to Boards other than CBSE.
(vi) For admission to classes X & XII, proof of transfer of parents or shifting of residence is required as per norms of the CBSE. Approval from CBSE is also applicable for confirmation of admission into these classes.

12. No form shall be accepted without the above documents for registration for admission to any class and incomplete forms will automatically be disqualified from the admission process. Documents required for admission are not returned.

13. Students seeking admission to classes L.K.G. & H.KG must enclose the documents printed at the end of the Registration Form.

14. After admission to this school, every parent / guardian / student is liable to follow the rules & regulations mentioned in the student's diary and any modifications there of from time to time.

15. A student who fails for two consecutive years in the same class will be asked to change the school so that he / she can grow in a more conducive environment.

16. A calendar month's notice is to be given before the withdrawal of a pupil. Such notice should be given in writing by the parents or by a person responsible for the pupil and not by the pupil. Failure to give the required notice will necessitate the payment of fees of one installment.

17. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a pupil. The decision of the Principal shall be final in this matter.

18. No Leaving Certificate (T.C.) is given unless all sums / dues to the school have been paid in full. If a student is present in his class even for a day before the issue of his T.C., a full payment of our installment has to be deposited.

19. The Leaving Certificate is issued to the students on a payment.In the same way the Application for Duplicate Transfer Certificate should be submitted together with an affidavit signed by a 1 st class Magistrate / Notary.

20. No certificate of any kind will be given without a written application from the parent / guardian. The application should be handed over at the School office at least 3 days before the date on which the Certificate is required. An additional sum of Rs. 200/- will be payable for any certificate issued after five years from the date of leaving the institution.

21. For admission to classes IX, X, XI and XII the institution frames its own rules & regulations regarding minimum requirements which will be applicable to every student irrespective of Institutions / Boards.

22. Students shall be liable to dismissal from school on any of the following grounds :
(i) Inability to follow classes in English.
(ii) Continuous lack of progress in class and those who are detained twice in the same class.
(iii) Acts of indiscipline and insubordination.
(iv) Absence for more than seven days without application and information.
(v) Immoral acts of stealing, damaging or misbehavior.
(vi) Non-payment of school fees.
(vii) Parent's misbehavior with teachers and school management.
(viii) Conviction by a Court of Law for any criminal offence.