It is with a sense of heartfelt gratitude to God I pen these few lines at the beginning of this academic session. As we are marching towards centenary year, my message for you is this; "May the educational light that you received under the Patron of St. Paul's dispel the darkness of Ignorance. Aim for the best and the noblest without compromising the values. It is better to loose and then win later rather than winning always at the cost of loosing the values that you learned from this temple of learning.
I conclude with the words of Douglas Mallach, "If you can't be a high way, then just be a trail. If you can't be the sun, be a star. It isn't by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever your are!"

Fr. John Carvalho
PrincipalSaint Paul's Sr. Sec. School

The vision of St. Paul's School is to impart all-round development, a sound intellectual, physical, moral education so that they turn on to be good upright citizen of our country.
Provide a conducive environment where every student excel academically gets the opportunity to develop their potentials, be empowered with confidence and be prepared to meet the future challenges of this world.